

“มาดามกุ๊งกิ๊ง” นางพญาสุดเริ่ดเหาะเหินเดินอากาศมาแฉเรื่องราวแซ่บๆในวงการบันเทิงกันแล้ว วันนี้มากึ่งบันเทิงและเซเลป ใครอยากเสพเชิญย่ะ อยากแฉใจจะขาดแล้วเอ๋ยยยยยยยย

“Moning, ning, ning, ya slaves of the adorable ‘Madam Gunking’, the super cool queen in your hearts, who misses Dian, please raise your hands. Hehe, so many. Therefore, Dian will speak, Dian will expose, calling the mother down because Dian is cool.

This week’s story is about a certain beautiful celeb lady, very high-society Sheikifluke, and others addressing her as ‘your majesty’, causing many to swoon in rows before this.

Honestly, opening up, Dian was really struck because this celeb has a gut-wrenching story and is also pleasing to the eye. Dian is into it; this celeb is somewhat of a hybrid between a high-society figure and the entertainment industry. She has some modeling jobs but isn’t prominent, with works both on and off-screen, mostly discussed in an overly enthusiastic manner. Let me tell you, she’s had several rounds of cosmetic procedures; many told Dian they can’t remember her original face. Dian took a look and agreed, beautiful, looks good, suits her well, appears smart and cool.

Speaking of which, Dian learned this from a friend of a friend and then checked out the direct messages. To summarize, it’s true – there were two victims, and another person found out from a lawyer who accidentally mentioned a consultation had indeed taken place but no case was filed because the lawyer had pending cases and declined, saying let’s not work on this and not speak further as it’s the secret of the consulting party. That’s all they could say.

The accuser said this celeb initially didn’t push anyone into the industry. It started with word-of-mouth recommendations that she could mold people and make them famous. Gradually, there were multiple instances of talking and promoting within circles, inviting each other for meals and revealing profiles, a pattern of star-making, attracting many who aspired to enter the industry and inquired about costs.

Then, two individuals who transferred money as a deposit to show interest decided it was okay, believing in the celeb and thinking she wouldn’t deceive anyone, so they each transferred 20,000 baht. The exact figures aren’t clear, unsure if there were other fees or not, but what’s known is 20,000 baht each.

After transferring the money, nearly three months passed without any contact from the celeb except liking messages when asked via Line.

As time went by, the two became anxious about entering the industry and upon further inquiry, they wanted their money back due to uncertainty. But when they messaged the celeb asking for a refund, the celeb replied, “Wait, dear little one, I’m handling it. Entering the industry requires finding a good manager and modeling agency; I’m negotiating. You might need to develop various aspects of your personality, so please wait.”

Initially, they believed it, but after several months, worry set in. The two who transferred money decided to ask around their friends. One friend who transferred money revealed it was definitely a lie and advised getting the money back. This sparked chaos, and they tried to get refunds, but the celeb kept delaying.

The money-transferring celeb then decided to write to Dian, detailing the incident and sharing screenshots of their private conversations. In short, the celeb told them to stay calm and wait until September, assuring entry into modeling.

Dian advised the two to hold off and see if the celeb would refund or act. If she does, fine, but if not, follow the advice of others who have encountered this celeb. That’s it; Dian is ready to send the kids to report the news.

One of the affected parties said, “Mom, please give us a hint about this story. I’m trembling in fear that they won’t mold me as promised and won’t return the money spent. Just a teaser, please.”

Dian responded, “Alright, my child. If the story reaches mom, mom won’t keep it a secret anymore, my dear. Hehe.”

Goodbye, and let’s gossip together, girls. Long kisses!

Column: “Mayalalla”
By “Madam Gunking”


1. **美容整形产品与服务**:文章提到该名 celeb 进行了多轮整形手术,并且效果被描述为“美丽、合适、显得聪明又酷”。这表明泰国市场对美容整形产品和服务有较高需求。中国相关企业可以考虑出口高质量的整形器械、美容产品或与中国整形医院合作,推广赴华医疗旅游项目。

2. **娱乐行业培训与咨询服务**:文中提及很多人渴望进入娱乐圈并愿意为此支付费用,但遇到了不诚信的服务提供者。这为中国娱乐业培训机构提供了机会,可以开发针对泰国市场的在线培训课程、明星打造计划或咨询服务,强调诚信与专业性,帮助有志于演艺事业的人正确规划职业生涯。

3. **法律咨询服务**:文中提到有人咨询律师但未正式起诉的情况,显示出在遇到问题时,泰国人倾向于寻求法律帮助。中国法律服务公司或平台可以考虑与泰国当地律所合作,提供跨境法律咨询服务,尤其是在娱乐合同、消费者权益保护等领域。

4. **社交媒体营销工具与服务**:文中提到使用Line进行沟通,说明社交媒体在泰国娱乐和日常交流中扮演重要角色。中国企业可以开发或推广社交媒体管理软件、营销工具或提供定制化的数字营销服务,帮助泰国艺人或娱乐公司提升在线影响力。

5. **模特经纪与时尚产业合作**:鉴于文中提及模特工作和星探活动,中国模特经纪公司或时尚品牌可以探索与泰国同行的合作,共同举办模特选拔赛、时尚秀或文化交流活动,促进两国间的人才流动与业务合作。

